Registration FEE
1 000 EURO (fee includes the participation tax, accommodation*, and all lunches and coffee breaks during the course)
850 EURO (fee includes the participation tax, and all lunches and coffee breaks during the course)
*The accommodation is provided at Golden Tulip Hotel, Cluj-Napoca
The number of participants is limited to 36 participants. A maximum number of 6 participants will be supervised by a tutor in practical sessions. Participants will meet the criteria required by EULAR. The Courses will be opened for registration for all EULAR member countries.
Registration for the Intermediate level Course:
- Participants should have attended a EULAR basic MSUS course or a EULAR scientifically-endorsed basic MSUS course or other equivalent level of Basic MSUS course by other national societies
- Prior to acceptance in the course, applicants should send to the Faculty members a total of 6 normal examinations of each joint region in one Power Point file (i.e. shoulder, elbow, wrist & hand, hip, knee, ankle & foot), according to the EULAR Guidelines for Musculoskeletal Ultrasound in Rheumatology (Backhaus M, et al. Ann Rheum Dis 2001). Images should be presented in a power point file. Deadline September 1st
E-mail for sending the Power Point file: serban_oana86@yahoo.com
– One imaged structure each in longitudinal and transverse plane
– A legend with the anatomic area, imaged structure and scanning planes
– Parameters of the ultrasound machine
– Identity of the person scanned should be removed.
• The Faculty members will provide assessment and feedback. Applicants might be asked to repeat the ultrasound examinations and submit the images again for assessment by the Faculty.
• Upon approval of the assessments the applicant will be asked to register for the course
• The organization and procedures for the above process should be provided by the convenor/organizer of the MSUS intermediate course.
• Participants should bring a total of 60 normal ultrasound examinations (each in a power point presentation) on a USB stick to the course. The Faculty reserves the right to randomly request and audit the full set of ultrasound examinations from each participant.